Ardwick Ward Meeting – Future of The Islamic Academy of Manchester

As most of you are now aware, sadly at the Planning and Highways Committee meeting which took place on February 13th, the councillors voted in favour of the proposed redevelopment of The Islamic Academy of Manchester building and the adjacent site to student apartments. Clearly, it was very disheartening for all of us to hear this news but we would like to thank all the volunteers who worked tirelessly to collect petition signatures, write letters to local councillors and MPs and generally raise awareness of our campaign which began in Ramadhan 2013. Your efforts are not wasted. We pray you are rewarded abundantly for your hard work, purely for the sake of Allah.

We are actively seeking alternative premises in the vicinity but have currently not come across any suitable venues. If you can help us in this endeavour we would be keen to hear from you.

We are also in regular discussions with local Councillors and are hoping that the Council will be able to provide us with an alternative building so that we can continue to provide for the needs of the local community around Ardwick and Brunswick. Many of you have spoken to us about your concern of losing the Academy. You should continue to lobby your local councillors (particularly if you live in the vicinity of the Academy) so that they know how important a mosque and community centre in this area is to you. The entire area is being redeveloped under a multi-million pound package but unfortunately no provision for a mosque in the area has been considered in these plans.

If you wish to air your concerns, please attend the forthcoming Ardwick Ward Meeting which will take place on Tuesday 11 March at 3 PM. The venue is:
The Community Hut, Grounds of Richmond Park Pupil Referral Unit (PRU), Langport Avenue, Longsight.

Note these meetings only take place every 3 months and will be attended by councillors and the regeneration team. It is an important opportunity to have your say in key developments of the area, and the future of the Academy in Ardwick.

The meeting venue is close to Jamia Islamia, South Street. If you wish to attend the meeting with others from the Academy, please meet at 2.30 PM at the Islamic Academy of Manchester.

Note, the Academy is still open as normal Alhamdulillah for classes, daily prayers and Jumuah. We will inform you as soon as we know that circumstances are about to change.

Please pray that the Academy can continue to serve the local community of Ardwick and Brunswick.