Khatme Nabuwwat Conference 2017

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

InshaAllah the 20th Annual Khatme Nubuwwat Conference (under the guidance of Hazrat Allama Khalid Mahmud sahib D.B.) will take place on Sunday 23rd July 2017 from 2 PM – 7 PM. 

Venue: The Pakistani Community Centre, Stockport Road, Longsight. Manchester. 
Talks will take place in Urdu and English. 
Guest speakers include: 
Sheikh (Dr) Abdur’ Razak Sikandri (D.B)

Sheikh Mumtaz-ul-Haq (D.B) – (English Speech)

Concluding speech will be given by Hazrat Allama Khalid Mahmud (D.B.)
Food will be served after Asr (7.30pm) at City Jami’ Masjid, Stockport Road. 
All brothers are requested to attend and inform others. Please attend and invite others. 

The event is open to all. There will be various talks in love of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم including about Khatam an-Nabiyyin (Seal of the Prophets).

This Manchester conference is not affiliated with any other event or organisation with a similar name.