10 Easy Steps to Oppose Planning Application

We only have until 10th September 2013 to oppose the planning application. If you live in Manchester, you can follow the following easy steps to make a comment in opposition to the planning application:

1. Go to the Manchester City Council website link,


2. On the bottom of the page, click on “View Planning Applications”.

3. Enter Planning Application Reference N0. 102532.

4. You will be able to see the planning application.

5. To oppose the application, click on “Make a Public Comment”.

6. To make a comment, click on Register and Enter you details.

7. You will receive an email confirmation of your login details.

8. Open the email and click on the link in the email to activate your account.

9. After activating your account, please go the application and click on make a public comment  (For sample comments, see below).

10. Please strongly oppose this application.

If you need any further informationplease let us know and we can help you .

Sample Comments:

  • I strongly oppose the council’s decision to close this Mosque. We use it regularly and it serves not only as a place of worship for us but also helps the local community in various ways.
  • The Mosque is a great facility for all the local Muslim community for performing our religious duties. It is also a cultural heritage for Manchester. The place has always been a worship place serving Christians and Muslims and therefore its status should remain as a place of worship. I strongly oppose council’s decision to close this charitable organisation/religious public trust.

Please change them according to your own views and don’t only use the above two. There are just some points you can use when opposing the application. We need your help to save this Mosque for our community and future generations.


Save Islamic Academy Group.